a journey

a  couple of decades ago I left university and started work in London full of dreams of wealth and sucess. I suceeded in building a glamerous metropolitan life but before long I found rat-race-life wanting, to put it politely

so I quit and bought a sailing boat and, over the course of a year I sailed from southampton to naples clearing away the vestages of the city

fate and friends next pulled me to switzerland where I spent a happy decade of beautiful family time and had two amazing children

as is so often the case these days it didnt last, and I found myself alone with the oportunity to recreate my life once again. 

by this time its fair to say I had become a hardcore ecowarrior, and after a life changing sharmanic experience I felt driven to help people with plants

as a result I have been lving off grid on a couple of acres of land ever since. its been over 5 years now, and that time has offered the space to appreciate the abundance of possibilities on the land.

I have found myself being especially drawn to a handful of plants which I simlpy had to share once I had fully researched them and discovered their heritage as herbal healers

its so wonderful when the science and the folklaw align

seasonal observation

inhabiting a modern building removes one from the daily and seasonal cycles of nature. when one lives inside a modern house with heat, light and power its difficult to conncet with natures annual cycle by living outside civilisation surrounded by natural abundance reconnection is possible.

living simply offgrid collecting water from the stream, chopping wood and growing food allows me to be free of bills (except my mobile!) so I work less and have more time and space for designing a beautiful life

I am away from the pollution , electrosmog,, advertising and the straight lines of "civilisation"  

selection of plant materials

all our plant mterials are wildcrafted on our land, and harvested by hand at the optimum time to extract the best out of the plants we use.

we make on;ly small batches of tuinctures at the appropriate time